Friday, June 29, 2012

Does the deer look bothered?

 Deer at Longmire - doesnt seem fussed about the couple or anyone around it for that matter- not sure what i was more interested in at the end the deer or the people watching the deer- a person watching the people watching the deer- what science is that?

coming down the mountain

coming down mt rainer towards longmire.

ethyl and franz return

after many days absence  ethyl and franz returned very hesitantly with their babes today.
all four were in the garden it was sweet and good to see franz maybe he was off visiting relatives but i swear it had been a month since i had seen him.
no photos - they were too skiddish today.

Rainer around snowline

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

the other bird at paradise

ok so there was a ton of clarks nutcrackers  and then these little fellows. i followed on e for a bit -  looking terribly bedraggled and damp in the snow. like it should have worn a coat but it had already been put away- and who knew the snow stopped weeks ago and began just this day.

Falls Creek , Mt Rainer, Washington

we parked just by this falls and walked back to grove of the patriarchs.
this was where we caught up with the lady who for awhile was on the same tourist path as us- photos to come. i think we met her at four locations and then she disappeared.
she did not head to paradise.
photos to come on that tip.

Holga Greenwater

snippets of our evening walk in the haze of the holga.
 stacked logs, reclaimed ski lifts - green blurry goodness.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

fledglings growing..and growing

ethyl and franz have disappeared- their fledglings remain.. where did they go?

greeted by elk in greenwater

always lovely to feel like an animal welcoming committee is drawing you to your location- between the rainbow cloud and the bald eagles to our welcome just before turning in the drive of the eagles nest.
there were more animal antics throughout-
a local dog who took a shine to us and walked with us on two occasions, her name is Crystal
( living very close to that mountain and all.)
on another walk a butterfly black and yellow came at us.
it did as well i slightly ducked to stay out of it's way but it was defiantly coming at us... thinking perhaps we had pockets of nectar hidden on our persons? the elk were fantastic and inquisitve watched us as much as we watched them- twiggy wasn't too fussed about them- i am sure he would have shat himself if they had come near.

a birds wing in green water washington

one wing two renditions.
we always see something dead on our trips and adventure days.
this trip we saw a porcupine, yes a porcupine- never seen one in the wild before unfortunately we saw him as he nearly pegged it on the road to the grove of the patriarchs which was way too busy. luckily the porcupine made it- looking none too happy about the whole experience.
i do not know whose wing this is - again shot through a holga lens so not good for detail or science .
there was not much else dead gone noticed at least.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Green River , Greenwater , wa

more from the holga lens walk....

Scotch Broom on the Green River, Greenwater, Wa

scott broom with holga lens on nikon d90.
enjoyed the water effects of the lens when just right...
more often it was not just right though good fun without expectation.