Saturday, July 30, 2011

Herons, seagulls and eagles oh my! Otis Perkins Day Park, lopez island

beaches, beaches, beaches....
and  birds and rocks and seaweed and bull kelp and the list goes on...
crab shells...
otis perkins day park was not so much as fun to rock collect and a little smelly but perhaps that is why the birds were out en mass.

Three bald eagles swooped and dived to avoid harassing gulls of varying sorts. four herons avoiding being photographed too closely. seagulls darkened waters below with shadows of nondescript shape. and it was beautiful, more so then anything one could ever imagine coming from beaches on Lake Erie , i didn't grow up with such beaches...mist entered in while we were there watching distant islands slowly become hazier and hazier, softening the already soft water world of the san juans, cushioned on all sides- less a separation from us and it - surrounding all consuming interconnected ness merging subconscious with conscious not that it matters.

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