Friday, October 28, 2011

hearts- my new logo

i have been hooked on hearts for longer then one wants to admit.

most find it trite there is something in this symbol i well love.
i wanted a logo one morning- feeling like it was all part of the represented of something in a typical sense that just cant be represented in that way -
i do many odd things what symbol sums them up?
i have used hearts in installations the first of which was called "wear your heart on my sleeve". this installation was an exploration to seeking love and the characters one must assume to represent oneself in a love wanted ad .
i had three personas who advertised in London papers.  I recorded the answerers of my ads and made an audio sculptural installation with resin hearts (in some in cased the valentine's candy Sweethearts.) with pulsating lights and handmade simpletons circuitry. The biggest portion of hearts among this show was the 300 some paper mache hearts stacked around the place another act of obsessive compulsive action in motion. people thought i should have gone further by answering the answerers, but honestly if i got in deeper i would have found the boundaries of art and life too convoluted- perhaps more interesting - but i was not prepared for that then.
i carried those paper mache hearts around like an albatross for at least 4 house moves- til our final house invested with mouse and dined on my hearts in the attic.
yes they became mouse food. no more albatross. then there was the seed graffiti of "Pigeon Love" , being chased out of London's financial district, hella fun. the most recent of course being Bee Love 2011" heart shaped bee boxes for the solitary bees.
so a heart with  a T encased in it. it struck me as religious in appearance the day after sticking it together but i hope it isnt too much that way , it isnt meant to be -
just T love.

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