see them the caves are up there |
stairs up to the caves |

as we were driving in - we saw the caves hollowed out above.
on our first day of traveling through our 2012 Scablands adventure we went from seattle with a loo stop just past Ellensburg for all including dog.
perfect spot to photograph the windmills.
traveled past wild horse sculptures just over Columbia river- quick stop again photo op.
our main destination to come was Soap Lake, then the
Lake Lenore Caves , Dry falls and ending the day at the Grand Coulee Damn to stay the night at the Coulee Inn and Suites.
This is Lake Lenore-
it was about 94 degrees and the dog could not take it up the incline- Talula almost copped out but I got her there and she was pleased with the results. entering the first cave- it was completely silent - it was amazing aside from us who speaking and our presence caused the bats in the walls to squeak and squawk.
it was hot we had water. and made it to the 2nd and 3rd caves before needing to head back.
it was worth a see and a feel of the hollowed out cave of touring man from long ago.
the discover pass is getting a work out this holiday.