Monday, October 8, 2012

well thats what the osprey thinks of digital photography...

Dear Osprey,
Greetings and I hope this finds you well. I am sorry if I offended you with my digital photography. I do not mean to offend and yes i know if i had used black and white film you would have looked classic and i am sorry but digital was all i had that day.
excuses excuses.
We were going fine, You were happily cocking your head from one side to another opening your beak and well then you shat and it flew way the hell out there.
I was half unsure as to what was happening ,spontaneous combustion?
what a relief just a projectile poop.
well i got it just by fact i was being too obsessively voyeuristic.
So i am so sorry if i have offended you and if i have made it worse by posting this on the internet  well i am sorry but i do have the mind of a five year old at times and animals pooping does tickle me just a bit.

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